Budapest is part of Europe’s cultural bloodstream: it is in dialogue with international art and makes its own tangible, timeless value propositions.

Red and black
aqb Mines (pince az aqb udvara alatt)
13 May 6:00 PM
From Sapporo to Budapest 1.
Óbudai Társaskör - Till Ottó terem
2 May 7:00 PM
From Sapporo to Budapest 2.
Óbudai Társaskör - Till Ottó terem
5 May 7:00 PM
Jazz around the world
1 May 5:00 PM

Are You Sure You Want To Leave?
art quarter budapest
14-15 May 2:00 PM-8:00 PM
From Bach to the Beatles
Óbudai Társaskör - Till Ottó terem
7 May 7:00 PM
Star Hours
Magyar Zene Háza
9 May 7:00 PM
Classical Music from 20th Century America
Budapest Kongresszusi Központ
30 April 7:45PM
Colony – Escape Stories
Kőbányai úti volt dohánygyár
5, 8, 10, 11 May 5:00 PM
Eva Duda Dance Company: Golden Section/
I Shall Be Free
I Shall Be Free
Kristály Színtér
29 - 30 April 2022 8:00 PM-10:30 PM
Tape That
art quarter budapest
15 May 12:00 PM-5:00 PM
Jazzfest Budapest
Multiple locations
27 April - 12 May
Alexander Vantournhout/not standing (BE): Screws