Dance, dance, dance – Let’s celebrate the International DANCE Day!
Dance: lifeblood, the bright side of life, an adrenaline rush for body and soul. It’s adorable to watch, but to get the real experience, you need to participate in it, abandoning yourself to the rhythm of the music. The Spring Festival offers plenty of opportunities to do just that, so join in!
This year’s Spring Festival begins on International Dance Day, and the whole weekend is dedicated to this genre. On 29 April, dancers will appear as a flash mob in various points of the city, from Kolosy Square to Teleki Square, from Fény Street Marketplace to Újpalota, while in the evening the double-bill of Duda Éva Company’s Golden Section / I Shall Be Free will open Chrystal Stage in the former Mineral Water Bottling Plant of Margitsziget. Before the show by young choreographers, which can also be seen the following day, the company will hold a whole-day community dance programme entitled Let’s Move Together! where families can participate in dance classes, workshops and parties.

Also on Saturday, the communities of dance schools active in a wide range of genres will present their performances in Madách Square. There will be folk dance, tango, swing, and salsa – in Spring Dance Place anyone can join in the dance, rounded off with night jamming.
The palette is also enriched by fully innovative experiments: on 29 April a virtual walk will be inaugurated in Városmajor Park, during which you can get acquainted with the free-association-based contemporary dance adaptation of the scenes of Madách’s The Tragedy of Man with the help of your smart phone. Dream with Adam, wake with Eve and see with Lucifer! The website created for the project offers total art initiation to schoolchildren, teachers and everyone who is open to see the encounter of old and new, common and unusual, conventional and extraordinary elements. On 8 May, a risky, extreme, funny and violent, deeply human, intelligent and brave, 6-hour-long dance performance comes to MU Theatre from Slovenia. More information is available in one place, in the genre filter of the website where the city is dancing #cityofdance.