Everything in a different way
We enjoy talking, asking questions and getting information. This festival gives you the opportunity to express your opinion and listen to those of others, e.g., on work, Hungarian identity, ecology and feminism. Make your voice heard and share your story.
World café discussion on unconventional ways of working – i.e., Work in a different way.On 30 April, you can ask your questions and talk to the representatives

of NGOs about volunteering, the “invisible” work done in the home and community building. Asker: you, answerer: Budapest Bike Maffia, Gólya Community House and Cooperative Cafe, as well as the activists of Women for Each Other.
Experience the interdependence of people and the environment at the Ecofeminist Festival on 13-14-15 May. Back to nature and back to each other:

this three-day festival promises a joint vegan cookout, weed hike, plot safari, weed petting zoo, and discussions and lectures on gender at a very exciting venue in the garden of the Spirit Plant in District VIII.
Workshop, in a different way. Who are we? What makes me Hungarian? Is it an essential part of my identity at all? If we do not think about it, someone else will. That is why, on the last day of April, the Spinning and Pot Luck Workshop will bring together artists from different artistic disciplines at the Virág Benedek House to

evoke a real, contemporary spinning workshop with a contemporary twist: we will sit down together and talk while making traditional shell-shaped noodles and eat some Fanta cake. It is to, with and about you that the city talks – #cityoftalks.