Our culture is based on the interaction of artists giving form to their feelings and thoughts, so that they live on in the recipient. Artworks and productions across the area can make culture part of everyday life. Festival programmes in the 2nd District are the blocks of this process.

Spring moves
Gyarmati Dezső Uszoda parkolója
8 May 12:00 PM-6:00 PM

Garden of Presence
Képező Galéria
28 April - 3 June
DIY baby shower: developmental toys for babies
Képező Galéria
3 May 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Artists in the making
Képező Galéria
29. April 3:30 PM-5:00 PM

Lane 8 on Margit Boulevard
Margit Nappali
30 April 10:00

Makers’ Market Budapest
Fény utcai Piac
1 May 10:00 AM-5:00 PM

Canarro concert in the market
Fény utcai Piac
7 May 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Alone with bees
notified after registration
30 April - 15 May

Start Galéria Budapest
30 April 2:00 PM
Variations on home office
Marczibányi Téri Művelődési Központ
29 April 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Sunny Lounge
Fény utcai Piac
29-30 April, 6-7 May

Street music for all
Fény utcai Piac
30 April 8:00 AM

Dancing in the market
Fény utcai Piac
29 April 3:00 PM
Cherchez la femme
Képező Galéria
30 April 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Women artists: the missing chapter
Képező Galéria
30 April 7:00 PM- 21:00 PM
Tell me a picture
Képező Galéria
30 April 10:00 AM

GlasSpring vol.4
Klebelsberg Kultúrkúria
2 - 27 May

Motherwellness Centre: women’s recharge club